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Free Literacy Educational Activities

"The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read." -Mark Twain

Seasonal ABC Crafts

Each theme has all twenty-six upper and lowercase letters! There is a total of 208 letter crafts in the season themed links below!

Spring Letter Crafts

Spring ABC Crafts

Baseballs, Easter eggs, Hummingbirds, Thunderstorms, and so many more letter crafts!

Summer Letter Crafts

Summer ABC Crafts

Camping, Dragonflies, Fireflies, Swimming, and so much more!

Fall ABC Crafts

Fall ABC Crafts

Ghosts, Scarecrows, Corn Mazes, and more fall fun!

Winter ABC Crafts

Winter ABC Crafts

Arctic Foxes, Christmas Carolers, Red Roses, Ugly Sweaters, and many more winter letter crafts!

More Alphabet Resources


How to Teach the Alphabet to Toddlers and Preschoolers

This article gives instruction on how to teach the alphabet in a fast and simple way to toddlers and preschoolers in preparation to read.

Picture of Matching Capital and Lowercase Letter

Matching Capital and Lowercase Letter Printable

This is for preschoolers and kindergartners. The picture on each match represents the sound that your child will most likely read first!

Picture of Matching Capital, Lowercase, and beginning sound pictures

Matching Capital, Lowercase, and Beginning Sound Printable

This is for preschoolers and kindergartners. Each letter has a capital card, lowercase card, two pictures of items that start with the beginning sound, and an articulation mat.

Preview of beginning CVC animal words in color pages and printable puzzles

Animal CVC Puzzles and Coloring Pages

These printables are for preschoolers and beginning kindergarten pre-reading students who can identify letters and their sounds. These pre-reading students are ready to understand that letters create words.

Teaching Tip: Start reading to your newborn each day and never stop! Children love the familiar. Pick the same spot and the same time to hold and read to your child each day. Your child will love the familiarity of the routine. This is also a great bonding time!

Teaching Tip: Sometimes let your child pick the book. Most children like to make decisions. It makes them feel grown-up! Letting children pick their books aids them in developing their own interests!

Nursery Rhyme Activities

Check out these Nursery Rhyme Activities! Perfect for toddlers and preschoolers!

Teaching Tip: Sing or say the nursery rhymes every day! This helps your little one practice pronunciation. It teaches new vocabulary. The repetition gives a sense of comfort to your child, helps with memorization, and reinforces language skills each day!

Learning to Read Printables!

Bob Books Picture

Bob Book Printables

Bob Books are a great way to introduce reading, and those books are what we use! I have created packets to go with each book to be completed by your child prior to reading the book. Each packet was intentionally created to prepare your child for reading each book!

Preview for Sound Wall Printables

Sound Wall Printables

These printables explain what a sound wall is, why you should use it, and how to use it. There are several different printing options for the sound wall.

Sound Spelling Book Picture

Sound Spelling Books

These spelling books help children learn to spell by sound and phonics rules. Words are divided based upon the 44 English sounds (phonemes). There are three choices for printing based on your child's ability level.

Preview of the Bible Phonics Readers

Bible Phonics Readers

Each book teaches one word family and one sight word. These phonics readers correlate with the Toddling Through God's Word Curriculum, so parents of children with different ages could teach both together.

Other Websites With Helpful and Free Resources

I cannot create it all, so I often search for reading resources based on what my child needs. The following websites are my go-to for pre-literacy and literacy. I am not affiliated with the following websites, but I do recommend their resources.

ThisReadingMama.com is an amazing place to find free beginning reading, handwriting, and basically any other preK to 5th grade literacy printable! These printables makes learning to read fun while still using the science of reading. You have to subscribe to get the freebies, but honestly this is the first place I go when I need printables to teach a new reading or handwriting skill to my child! Currently, I have also bought all of ThisReadingMama's Orthographic Mapping Puzzles. It did take some time printing, cutting, and laminating these, but we have used them so much in our homeschool!

TheMeasuredMom.com was created by Anna Geiger, and she has awesome subscriber freebies! The freebies range from learning the alphabet to teaching reading to math resources from children preK through 3rd grade. There are a many free decodable and phonics books. Anna Geiger has amazing podcasts to help parents learn all they can about the science of reading! This has been so interesting and enormously helpful to me as I have been teaching my children to read! There is also a shop, but I have currently not purchased anything.

SightWords.com has free curricula, worksheets, and games that align with the science of reading. This is an awesome place for preschoolers to first or second graders! The curricula also uses YouTube videos to help teachers and students understand!

Homeschooling4Him.com is a great place that I have gone to for guidance on teaching children how to read! The website has a blog full of information. There is also a Homeschooling4Him Youtube channel. I would recommend subscribing to both her YouTube channel and the email list! The science of reading is taught along with creative suggestions to make reading fun! There is a shop on this website too, but I currently have not purchased anything.

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