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Free Math Educational Activities

"Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas." -Albert Einstein.

Counting Penguin Craft and Game

Count to 10 with Penguin Craft and Printable

This is a free printable, craft, and game to help your child with one to one correlation and number symbol identification as well as counting to 10.

Dump Truck Count to five craft

Count to 5 Dump Truck Craft and Printable

This printable helps with number symbol identification and one to one correlation up to 5.

Bug Shape Craft

Bug Shape Craft Printable

This printable lets your child explore creatively with shapes while also learning to identify shapes and colors!

Rocket Shape Craft

Rocket Shape Craft Printable

This printable lets your child explore creatively with shapes while also learning to identify shapes and colors too!

Preview of spring-themed Identifying Numbers Printable

Numbers 1-20 Spring-Themed Printables

These spring-themed printables practice identifying numbers and one-to-one correlation! Count bugs, color numbers, and fill in a 10s chart! Practice cutting and pasting skills too!

Preview of summer-themed identifying numbers printable

Numbers 1-20 Summer-Themed Printables

These summer-themed printables practice identifying numbers and one-to-one correlation! Count seeds, color numbers, and fill in a 10s chart!

Preview of fall-themed identifying numbers printable

Numbers 1-20 Fall-Themed Printables

These fall-themed printables practice identifying numbers and one-to-one correlation! Count leaves and pumpkins, color numbers, and fill in a 10s chart! Practice cutting and pasting skills too!

Preview of winter-themed identifying numbers printable

Numbers 1-20 Winter-Themed Printables

These winter-themed printables practice identifying numbers and one-to-one correlation! Count snowflakes, color numbers, and fill in a 10s chart! Practice pencil/crayon grip and pre-handwriting too!

Preview of Dino Identifying Numbers Printable

Identifying Numbers 1-10 with Dinosaurs Printable

This printable was designed to help children learn to count and identify numbers 1 to 10 while also learning interesting facts about ten different prehistoric creatures!

Addition through 10 Dino Flash Cards Preview

Addition through 10 Dino Flash Cards

These flash cards are to be a fun way to help your child learn to add through 10. Each number has that many pictures of dinosaurs on it, so it can also be used as a visual to help your child figure out the answer as well as memorize.

Hickory Dickory Dock Printable Picture

Hickory Dickory Dock Printable

This printable was designed to help children learn to count and identify numbers 1 to 12 while also practicing the speech and literacy skills of the nursery rhyme.

Addition Machine Preview

Addition Machine

This addition machine was designed to help children visualize and understand simple addition problems.

Preview of the Number Sense Crafts

Numbers 1-20 Number Sense Crafts

These cute crafts incorporate numerals, number words, Roman numerals, ten frames, dice, and one-to-one correspondence!

Teaching Tip: Instead of rote-teaching one to ten, you can encourage one to one correlation as you teach your child number names by counting actual objects. Fingers and toes are a great place to begin! Count everyday objects you and your child see. "How many plates were set at the table?" "How many cheerios do you have? You ate one! How many cheerios are there now?" "How many socks are you wearing? How many socks are mommy and you wearing?"

Other Websites With Helpful and Free Resources

I cannot create it all, so I often search for worksheets based on what my child needs. The following websites are my go-to for math. I am not affiliated with any of these websites, but I recommend their resources.

Education.com is a great place to find all kinds of free resources for pre-K through 8th grade, but some resources cost! We use it specifically to find free math worksheets. There are a lot! You can search by subject and grade level. There is a lot more to this website if you are willing to pay for a membership, but so far we have not.

K5learning.com is another great place to find resources for pre-K through 6th grade, but some resources cost! We use this specifically for math, and do not pay for a membership. You can search based on subject and grade-level. I like that I am able to pick a specific topic such as Odd/Even or Addition and find worksheets in sequential order based on difficulty.

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